Stonework fence with an opening with iron bars

Stone Walls in Landscaping

Stone walls in landscape design today do not surprise anyone. Their variety allows you to achieve several goals: separate living space from outdoor recreation areas, add contrast to the color scheme of plants, prevent soil erosion and even create a multi-level terrace.

The use of stone walls and elements in the creation of the landscape makes you feel like a sculptor creating imperishable works of art. We will look at the types of stone walls that can be used in landscape design projects.

Types of Stone Walls

Natural stone clad walls are walls constructed of natural stone in a variety of shapes and sizes. The stones are either treated to give them a more even and attractive surface, or left in their natural state to give the cladding a more natural look.

Rough cut stone walls are built with rough, untreated stones that are often found right in the landscape. They add wildness to the landscape and are used to create a more natural, rustic aesthetic.

Brick or block walls can be used to create elements of a more uniform and durable structure in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Landscape with Gabions

Gabions are structures consisting of mesh containers filled with decorative stones. They are widely used for slope maintenance, erosion protection, as well as decorative elements or fences.

Artificial stone walls that mimic natural materials allow you to create elements of varied texture and color with less labor, time, and materials.


These are just a few types of stone walls that can be used in masonry landscaping. Choosing a specific type depends on project goals, design style, and material availability. Typically, a mason with landscape masonry skills can recommend the most appropriate stone wall options for your project so that they blend seamlessly into the environment.